

1397 Uppsatser om Objective formalization - Sida 1 av 94

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Growth of small businesses is vital to the Swedish economy, and many entrepreneurs want their enterprises to grow. However, the business climate of today is more changing than ever, and attributes becoming increasingly important for companies in order to deal with this are flexibility, speed, and adaptability: characteristics normally attributed to small enterprises. As a larger organization often is associated with more rigidity as a consequence of a higher degree of formalization, entrepreneurs are hesitant to seize growth opportunities, as they fear it will have negative impact on the aforementioned competitive advantages their enterprise possesses as a small business. This simple case study of a growing small enterprise investigates the effects of organizational growth on a small business' organizational structure and through its above mentioned advantages. The study finds that avoiding formalization while growing damages the competitiveness of the firm, and concludes that a degree of formalization is a necessity to maintain the flexibility, speed and adaptability in a growing small business..

Barnpassning eller pedagogisk verksamhet? : En studie bland föräldrar om deras uppfattning av fritidshemmet

The purpose of this paper is to examine what opinions parents have of the after school-centre, if they know that it has an objective and what that objective is. This will be examined by surveying parents with children in after school-centre. The questions posed in the study are as follows: Do parents know the objective of after school-centre? What is the general view of after school-centre among parents? The results show that 41 percent know that there is an objective while 39 percent don't. Only 6 percent can describe what the objective is.

Identitet - det är allt vi är : En studie om kenyanska flickors identitetsskapande

The purpose of this paper is to examine what opinions parents have of the after school-centre, if they know that it has an objective and what that objective is. This will be examined by surveying parents with children in after school-centre. The questions posed in the study are as follows: Do parents know the objective of after school-centre? What is the general view of after school-centre among parents? The results show that 41 percent know that there is an objective while 39 percent don't. Only 6 percent can describe what the objective is.

Om New Economy Firms strukturella utveckling längs med livscykeln och dess implikationer på organisationernas entreprenörskap - En fallstudie av tre svenska New Economy Firms

New Economy Firms (NEFs) are considered being important drivers of economic development and growth in Sweden. Also, entrepreneurship is a widely discussed topic that is considered being essential for firms that are making business in a fast moving landscape. Usually, the growth of companies is put in context of the life cycle. The life cycle further implies that as a company moves from the startup-stage along the curve, the organizational structure increases. Further, increased structure is claimed to impede the entrepreneurial culture within the firm.

Att styra säkerhet med siffror : En essä om (att se) gränser

Work, especially that in complex, dynamic workplaces, often requires subtle, local judgment with regard to timing of subtasks, relevance, importance, prioritization and so forth. Still, people in Nuclear Industry seem to think safety results from people just following procedures. In the wake of failure it can be tempting to introduce new procedures and an even stricter "rule following culture". None, or at least very little, attention is given to tacit knowledge and individual skills. I am aiming to highlight the inadequacy of putting too much trust in formalization and that reporting and trending of events will contribute to increased learning, an increased nuclear safety and an efficient operational experience.

En jämförelse mellan linjära och traditionella bedömningssystem hos hästar

In Sweden the breeding organization for the Swedish Warmblood horse uses a traditional scoring system when evaluating horses. The horse is scored subjectively in relation to how good each trait is in relation to the breeding objective. Other countries, for example the Netherlands, instead use a linear scoring system. The linear scoring system evaluates the horse on a scale between two, for the breed, biological extremes which makes the evaluation more objective since the judges personal values does not influence as much. The breeding organization for the Swedish Warmblood is today planning a change towards a linear scoring system.

Applikationsutveckling i språket Objective-C för iOS

Applications for mobile devices, also known as apps, are today the backbone of a huge market where the company Apple is one of the key players. Apple develops, among other things, handheld electronic devices, which are powered by the operating system iOS. Through iOS, millions of customers get access to Apple?s App Store.During a period of two months, an app in the form of a game has been developed for iOS in the programming language Objective-C. The user of the app is presented intuitive menus and interactive graphical objects that seemingly obey physical laws.

Utvärdering av förbättrad metod för objektiv kvalitetsbedömning av spermiemotilitet hos hingst :

In this trial we used QualispermTM as an objective method of measuring stallion semen. Samples of semen were analyzed before and after centrifugation. Motility and concentration were statistically analyzed. During the trial all the objective mesaurments were compared to a subjective method. The advantages of QualispermTM compared to older CASA- systems is it´s ability of measuring a greater amount of spermatozoa while it also grades them into different subpopulations. These subpopulations have different qualities that decides their capacity of fertilization. The results showed that this objective method might be used practically. Although, there are still some disadvantages, such as high costs and the necessarity of accurat training of the handler. If it´s possible to prove further relevant results that also are statistically correct, this could prove the usefulness of QualispermTM as an objective measurment method in the daily work at gestuts and stallion stations, thus giving the staff a reliable instrument in assisting the work for an improved horse breeding in Sweden, improving both in quality and economically..

Kristianstad Studentkårs Android Applikation

 This degree project deals with an Android application that has been made available to Kristianstad Student Union. The main objective of this work was to create a communicative simplicity between students and Kristianstad Student Union at Kristianstad University. The second objective was to try and make the application entertaining, based on interviews with users..

BIM-projektering i praktiken

The use of CAD, within the building industry came strongly, during the 1980?s and the 1990?s. The development has since then rapidly progressed and the using of 3D-models has in addition increased. We are now at the edge of next step of evolution. BIM, Building Information Model(ing), is here.

Objektiv rörelseanalys : ett stöd vid den visuella bedömningen av hälta hos hund?

Lame dogs are a common group of patients for the practicing veterinarian. In the literature it is described how a clinical examination can be performed, based on general clinical-, orthopedic- and neurological examination, and visual evaluation of the dog when standing and during motion. For research, objective gait analysis systems are also used to study clinically healthy and lame dogs during motion. The aim of this degree project was to compare objective kinematic gait analysis with a visual evaluation of dogs with different types of lameness. The project was a pilot study to show if objective gait analysis could be used as a support for the visual examination. Ten lame dogs of different breeds and with different diagnoses were included in the study. They were all patients at the University Animal hospital, Uppsala.

Utveckling av Andersson Qwick Mobil för iOS

This thesis has been performed for the company System Andersson as a part of the bachelors degree in information technology at the School of Engineering in Jönköping. The thesis is based on the development of an iPhone application.System Andersson has an application for Android that is being used for their MPS system (material and production control system). Their customers, however, have also showed interest in being able to use this application for iPhone.The students handle the subject of iOS developing, including the design of the application, the use of the development language Objective-C, the use of the scripting language of Json used for server connections and SQL.The primary goal with this thesis has been to improve the students knowledge in such subjects as application development for mobile platforms, in such areas as Xcode, which is the development platform that Apple uses and Objective-C, which is the development language being used. The result of this thesis is an almost fully functional iOS application, similar to the Android application with some functionality missing..

Saklig grund för uppsägning i samband med samarbetssvårigheter

Abstract Co-operation difficulties in the work place can be a problem serious enough. Co-operation difficulties can occur between employee and employer, as well as employees among themselves. Irrespective of between which individuals the co-operation difficulties occur, it will have negative consequences. These can consist of, for example that individuals might suffer mentally, inproductivity and also an unwished economic disadvantage for the employer. From the employers? side it is pointed out that it is important with employees who are possible to co-operate with in a satisfactory way.

Gemensamma kostnader : Det verkliga utfallet

The aim of this report is to develop an improved basis for calculation of common costs as well as to create a support, showing which steps can be taken for improving the future monitoring at NCC Hus in Karlstad.The objective of this report is to improve the quality of the process of quoting by verifying current key numbers, production of new key numbers and to identify the problems affecting the monitoring of projects.The objective is also to provide suggestions of actions improving quality assurance at NCC Hus in Karlstad..

NATO:s misslyckande att undvika civila dödsfall i Libyen 2011

This study revolves around the NATO-led Operation Unified Protector in Libya 2011. The military campaign was executed under a UN mandate to protect the Libyan civilian population. Despite the mandate civilians died because of NATO bombings. The purpose of this study is to identify inadequate measures in avoiding civilian casualties during the operation and to continue to work towards minimizing civilian casualties caused by military organizations in international interventions.Early in the operation, NATO?s objective altered from protecting the civilians to over­throwing the Libyan regime. At the same time NATO changed its military targeting.

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